The Secret Power

At Send Out Ads for Profit, we take care of our members. We have a four pronged approach to personal care for each and every member.

1. Community: One marketing mentor I had liked to say. "You don't know what you don't know." In other words, you will benefit greatly from watching others ask questions and get answers. You'll find out what you should have been asking, but never thought of. A big happy Facebook group with all of the paid members will prove to be a golden resource to help you succeed at really making a dependable income using S.O.A.P. You'll be invited to join as soon as you create your S.O.A.P. account. No one has ever succeeded in a vacuum. It takes a community, and at S.O.A.P. you are immediately part of the family.

2. Training: Of course the system is laid out clearly and in a logical order. You won't be confused as to what to do next, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. Several of our programs have excellent training courses, and we want to study some of the best books available together as well. We have one chapter, or one video as the theme for the week. The whole community will add their comments and questions. Soon we will have an expansive archive of personal experiences and added wisdom related to various topics. Weekly inspiration and growth will put you right in the middle of the path to success.

3. Tribes: Guess who has a vested interest in your success? The one person who makes a profit if you succeed - your sponsor. Sponsors will be trained to create a live chat on Facebook, Skype or elsewhere filled with their referrals. That way you can check in and tell your sponsor how you are doing, and take good care of your referrals. Many new marketers would thrive if only someone contacted them regularly to make sure they stayed motivated and didn't have any points of confusion. (Just think of they power of having several hundred motivated people on a live chat in your team. "Hey did you notice the sale on solo ads this month over there?" Suddenly your team is happy because they are getting more results, and you have an extra flood of commissions.) 

4: Support: Here's a secret. This is not the first venture the founding team has put together. We've worked together to create at least four large teams. One of those teams grew to 40,000 members, and another was famous on the web for having the best support around. This reputation is not an accident. We work hard to make sure every question is answered, and, to our best ability, every problem is solved. The support system for S.O.A.P. is simple, and a little old fashioned, but we check it every single day - usually more than once - and we answer every request for support. That's one thing we can guarantee, because we've done it over and over again. Your questions and concerns WILL get answered.

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